
Generation Y



Born during a baby bulge that demographers locate between 1979 and 1994, they are as young as five and as old as 20, with the largest slice still a decade away from adolescence. And at 60 million strong, more than three times the size of Generation X, they're the biggest thing to hit the American scene since the 72 million baby boomers. Still too young to have forged a name for themselves, they go by a host of taglines: Generation Y, Echo Boomers, or Millennium Generation.

The huge image-building campaigns that led to boomer crazes in everything from designer vodka to sport-utility vehicles are less effective with Gen Y. ''The old-style advertising that works very well with boomers, ads that push a slogan and an image and a feeling, the younger consumer is not going to go for,'' says James R. Palczynski, retail analyst for Ladenburg Thalmann & Co. and author of YouthQuake, a study of youth consumer trends.
Instead, Gen Yers respond to humor, irony, and the (apparently) unvarnished truth. Sprite has scored with ads that parody celebrity endorsers and carry the tagline ''Image is nothing. Obey your thirst.'' J.C. Penney & Co.'s (JCP) hugely successful Arizona Jeans brand has a new campaign showing teens mocking ads that attempt to speak their language. The tagline? ''Just show me the jeans.''

It is the Gen Y medium of choice, just as network TV was for boomers. ''Television drives homogeneity,'' says Mary Slayton, global director for consumer insights for Nike. ''The Internet drives diversity.''


Universal Design

Universal design
is related to "Inclusive design" and "Design for All" is an approach to the design of products, services and environments to be usable by as many people as possible regardless of age, ability or circumstance. It links directly to the political concept of an inclusive society and its importance has been recognized by governments, business and industry.

Smooth ground surfaces of entranceways, without stairs
Wide interior doors and hallways
Lever handles for opening doors rather than twisting knobs
Light switches with large flat panels rather than small toggle switches
Buttons on control panels that can be distinguished by touch
Bright and appropriate lighting, particularly task lighting
Auditory output redundant with information on visual displays
Visual output redundant with information in auditory output
Contrast controls on visual output
Use of meaningful icons as well as text labels
Clear lines of sight (to reduce dependence on sound)
Volume controls on auditory output
Speed controls on auditory output
Choice of language on speech output
Ramp access in swimming pools
Closed captioning on television networks


Thesis outline-Detail


1. Travel History

*Human Migration-History of human migration history in the world
Human migration distribution of the world of current days
Reason for human migration
*Academic Travel-History studying abroad
Reason for studying abroad
*Tourism-History of tourism
Various kinds of tourism
*Poetic Reason-profound reason for traveling beyond his or her original reason
*Navigation-History of navigation
*Exploration-History of exploration
Brief description of famous explorers in history
*Trade-History of trade
Current trade situation
*Religious-History of religious travel and pilgrim
The holy land of various kinds of religions

2. Transportation History

*History of Ships-Brief history of ships from its invention
*History of cars
*History of trains
*History of airplanes
*How the development of transportations influence to the travel history?

3. History of New York City Travel

*Transportation-History of New York City's transportation
*Immigration-History of New York City's immigration
Current state of NYC's immigration
*Tourism-History of NYC's tourism

4. International Students

*Practical Information-Transportation, housing, food, utilities and public institutions, etc of NYC
*School-Information of schools in NYC
Admission information of schools
Visa Information
Health Insurance Information etc
*Entertainment-Museums, theaters, gyms, bars, night life, etc of NYC


*Books-Traveling books of famous travel destinations in the world
NYC guide books
*Websites-NYC traveling websites
NYC transportation websites
NYC official websites
Travel destinations' websites



Profound, Poetic Advantages for Traveling

Poetic and inspirational advantages of studying abroad beyond their original purpose which is to get college degree in NY City

1. Learning English
2. Independency
3. Cultural Diversity
3. Cultural Benefits of the city(Museums, Various Food, Musicals, etc)
4. Self Education, Self Discovery

1. Expansive Living Expanses
2. Limitation in working
3. Language Problem

Living away from your country can be a really interesting and unforgettable experience, but at the same time it has very important effects on one's life. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the three main effects that living in another country can produce in your personal life.
The major effect, and also a very common one, is that once you start a regular life away from home, you miss everything. This fact doesn't mean that you are unhappy but that you are aware of being on your own. Missing your family and the attention they all paid to you is a very usual thing to do. Little details like sitting on a Sunday morning watching TV alone instead of helping your dad organizing his things or having a nice chat with your mom makes you realize how valuable your family really is. It is also completely acceptable to miss all the facilities you used to have back at home, like your house, your car, your bed, and your bathroom. It's obvious then that you have started to appreciate everything you had back where you belong.
The second main effect would be learning how to accept another type of society and culture into your daily life. Since you are living in a place with different customs and traditions from yours, you have to be able to develop yourself in unknown conditions. This means making new friends, learning other points of view, accepting different opinions and values, and seizing every opportunity you have to go to new places. Therefore, you'll be able to achieve true knowledge. Suggesting to change your mind totally or to be square minded would be foolish; the best thing to do would be to stick to your most important values and, according to them, change those that you believe could be improved.
The most significant effect of living away from home is the independent behavior that grows inside of you. Living on your own far from your family gives you a lot of experiences toward organizing your life. Since it is up to you and no one else to go to school, clean your room, wash your clothes, and organize your expenses, it is predictable that you will have a good and strong meaning of responsibility. Being independent and responsible will help you get through life every goal you want to achieve.
Living far from home, even for a short period of time, can be really hard at the beginning. We have to remember that all changes are difficult, but they are necessary to go through them to build character. Most important of all, it helps us appreciate everything we have. Not realizing how lucky we are can be a really bad mistake because things don't last forever and we have to make the best out of them.

Immigrants' Story

Mr Kim worked in LG in Korea.
He was given an order from the company to work in the company's overseas branch in New Jersey for 3years.
So, he and his family moved to New Jersey from Korea 8years ago.
At the time his son was 10 and his daughter was 8years old.
They were admitted to an elementary school.
After 3years of contracted works, he and his wife suffered to make a decision whether they would go back to Korea or not.
Because they had to consider their children.
Their children had been studying for 3years in the U.S. and they were already very familiar with american school system.
Mr Kim was wondering if their children can be adapted to the Korean school system because they were too young to accept new environment easily.
So, they decided that Mr Kim went back to the main office in Korea and his wife and children stayed in the U.S.
Mrs Kim said "It was extremely diffcult decision, but for our children's future we decided to be seperated temporarily."
She also blamed for a Korean educational problem such as intense competition between each student, very expansive extracurricular lessons, excessive school hours, and etc.
Since her husband went back to Korea, she had only taken care of their children, so she had finacially hard time.
However, when her children became highschool students, she could have a part time job and have extra money.
Now, her son is a college student and her daughter is studying well in a highschool.
She thinks it was a good decision to stay here and never regreted.

15years ago, he failed his business and decided to immigrate to the U.S.
At first, he came to the U.S. without his family. He had done many kinds of part time jobs to save money. After 3years of hard working, he finally could start his own business and it was a small laundry. As soon as he opened his store, he had his family move into the U.S.
Until now, they have been working very hard. They have no problem financially and they have a house and a car. He said he's very satisfied with his life in america. But the only thing of his problem is the relationship with his children. The couple have been working really hard outside, so they have not had enough time to take care of their children. The children almost forgot their parnet's language and they only speak English, but their parents cannot speak English fluently. So, there have been a problem of communication between them. Fortunately, the children didn't make any problem and they are college students now. But they are still awkward each other and have a communication problem. The parents gave an advice to the people who just moved to the U.S. and planning to move, even though you are really busy, you have to care about your children as much as possible and teach them your own language beside English.

Alexis de Tocqueville

Alexis de Tocqueville came to the U.S. to study U.S. prison system. But, once he came to U.S. he was more interested in to study U.S. democracy system, because his country France did not have democracy at the time.
In his theory, for democracy, there are three generative principles-Equality, Sovereignty, Public Opinion.

Thesis Outline



This thesis presents the hypothesis that travel inspires unlikely forms of learning, beyond easily measurable parameters such ascollege degrees.

Such a hypothesis could open a new vision for the aesthetic, poetic and inspirational advantages of study outside of ones own country, which has applications in effective education as well as new forms of tourism.